Thursday, June 30, 2011

Establishment of Isipathana College Past Rugby Players Association

Establishment of the inaugural Isipathana College Past Rugby Players Association (ICPRPA), coming under the Isipathana College Old Boys’ Association, took place on 24th June,2011. The meeting was chaired by the Principal, Mr. A. C. Perera, and the objectives of the formation of such ICPRPA was for the purpose of establishing strong fellowship amongst the past rugby players of Isipathana College and also with a view to support to continue maintaining of the dominance of Isipathana College to be a leading rugby playing school in the years ahead too. Isipathana College within the last four decades has the distinction of producing a proud record of 54 rugby players to represent the nation team. Further several outstanding personalities of Isipathana College old boys have made invaluable contributions towards the ‘National Rugby Administration’ of Sri Lanka in the past few decades.

( Picture shows the establishment of the inaugural Isipathana College Past Rugby Players Association (ICPRPA) in progress. )

The Inaugural Committee of the Isipathana College Past Rugby Players Association (ICPRPA)

Patron: A. C. Perera – Principal & President of Isipathana College OBA

President: Ana Saranapala

Vice Presidents:

1. Sriyantha Rajakaruna

2. Group Capt. Nalin de Silva

3. Dilroy Fernando

4. Hisham Abdeen

5. Commd. H. K. Sisira

6. Saman Manchanayake – Chairman of Rugby OBA ExCo (Ex officio basis)

Secretary: Anura Serasingha

Treasurer: Nimal Luxshman


1. Dayalu Perera

2. M. D. Ifthikar

3. Sajith Mallikaarachchi

4. Shiam Siddik

5. Shamly Nawaz

6. Viraj Prasantha

7. Wing Comd. Sanjaya Fernando

8. Nizam Jamaldeen

9. Selvin Salley

10. Hassan Sinhawansa