Sunday, June 1, 2008

Inclusion of ruggerite Sajith Saragna, is it a violation?

There had been several articles appearing in the press regarding inclusion of Sajith Saranga star schoolboy ruggerite, who represented Isipathana College against their match against Dharmaraja played on 22nd May. Sajith Saranga also represented Sri Lanka Schools last year on an International tour. These articles appearing in the press creates much confusion and insult to this schoolboy as well as seriously tarnish the image of the National School he represents. With fairness to this outstanding player it is important that actual sequence of events is made known to the neutral public and the rugby enthusiasts.

1. The Student concerned Sajith Saranga Passed in all 10 subjects ( 2C’s & 8 S’s at the GCE OL with examination held in the year Dec 2006 ( including maths ). Considering his school based assessments and Educational circular guidelines he should have been secured with a class in GCE AL which the school has deprived. In his second attempt obtained 1 B, 2C’s and 2 S’s.

2. Press notices issued by the Ministry of Education, appearing in the Silumina of 20th April and Dinamina of 24th April, followed by the Education Ministry circular released on 30th April, 2008 under ref 2008/17 giving new criteria on the eligibility for being in GCE AL class.

3. Due to the fact that these new Ministry guidelines provide opportunity, the Parents of the student Sajith Saranga requested the Principal to consider admission to GCE AL classes but were refused. Thereafter the Parents have met the Secretary to the Ministry of Education and the Minister himself on 23rd April and the letter submitted by the parents was endorsed by the Minister requesting in his own hand writing requesting the Director of National Schools to study the Ministry Circular released and duly reply with a directive.

4. However there was no directive received from the officials from Ministry to the parents of Sajith Saranga, in desperation had met the Director of Western Provincial, coming under the Education Ministry, along with relevant documents, seeking assistance and guidance. The director of Western Province has realised the eligibility of this student under the New Education Ministry circular and could be admitted to GCE AL class.

5. The parents have requested the Principal to sort an official clarification. The Principal in his letter dated 12th May, 2008, forwarded a letter with complete details and supporting documents pertaining to the student, Sajith Saranga and the Director of Education Western Province has endorsed the letter sent by the Principal confirming the student’s eligibility for GCE AL class.

6. The student Sajith Saranga was not allowed to play the first 3 matches of the tournament as there was no direction previously, and played his first match against Darmaraja College on 22nd May, 2008.

7. However based on a protest made by Dharmaraja College to the tournament committee, and released to the Press after their match against Isipathana College, was given much publicity. Contents appearing in the press the day after the match was completely false and probably being done to tarnish the good name of three star players ( not Sajith Saranga), who have been regulars including the Captain of Isipathana College. The article also stated the school was penalised two years ago on a similar issue which was totally baseless and incorrect where Isipathana College were the runners up in that year.

8. An article appearing in the Press of 30th May, 2008 states that a senior official of the Ministry of Education has requested action to be taken against the inclusion of non eligible student in the team and being referred Sajith Saranga and not any of the other 3 players previously much insulted.

9. As per the above point 3. the high officials of the Ministry failed to give directive even when the request was made by the Minister himself. However as per point 7 a ministry official has given a directive which was given much publicity in the press causing much damage to the outstanding sportsman and the College he represent. What matters is the concern of a star sportsman’s eligibility to represent the school is attended to when it is needed ie. at the time when the tournament commence and not when a protest is made by individuals who have vested interest on this matter.

10. There has been an argument that Isipathana College is a National School and matters related to National Schools are taken by the Director of National Schools and not by the Director of Education coming under the Western Province. One would like to know what interests the Director of Education in charge of national schools had to study this special case and advise of the eligibility or non eligibility of Sajith Saranga a National Schools Players of last year since, the date clarification was by minister himself on 23rd April.

11. It is also observed that the criteria of admitting students to GCE AL classes under the new Ministry Circular is interpreted by the officials of the Ministry of Education who are responsible for National Schools in a different way to that of the Ministry officials who are responsible for other schools coming under the Western Province.

One could imagine the mental agony of the Star Rugby player Sajith Saranga and his parents undergoing today. His name is tarnished as well his College name is tarnished. Added to the fact the press published names three star Rugby players questioning their eligibility with no bother to consult with relevant authorities, prior to publishing such damming articles. One should realise that these irresponsible adults are playing a game of their own for their own glory, at the cost of these talented Isipathana College Rugby players. These Rugby players have to participate in these tournaments under such horrid and ridiculed conditions. Even though persons with such motives feels they have nothing lose, there is Karma that follows which they can not escape or if not them their own children may have follow the consequences.

Sarath De Silva
